remote learning

Remote Learning

 Middle Indigo started classes on the first day of term two with a bit of a bump and a hop before students settled down and got on with their learning. 

The school day starts with a live video stream at 8:45, allowing the students to have a play and catch up online before the workday begins at 9:00am. The lessons are produced daily – with times tables, hand writing practice and grammar work practiced each day in the first hour followed by reading comprehension and then a daily math class and a unique learning task set for each day – for example creating Marble runs for science and a geography project on Africa. 

We are very proud of how the students have adapted to the online learning and more importantly the high standard of the work they are producing.

Science class at Middle Indigo has set simple experiments which can be done around the home. The marble run challenge in the 3-6 class saw some get super creative, which was fantastic to see. 

The F-2 class have investigated gravity by dropping things and creating paper helicopters and parachutes so far this term. 

Gravity experiments with Parachute building at home

Biggest marble run yet!

It is wonderful to see how happy the parents and students are with how well organised and straight forward everything has been. This has made completing the given work stress free and fun for everyone!

Below are some testimonials from parents of their remote learning experiences.

“I was extremely excited about being able to be part of their learning and to help them continue schooling success and improvement. We are just so pleased about the dedication and the flexibility of the kids, the teaching staff, the resources that have been available and the adaptability that we have achieved. Thank you for your ongoing support!”

“Fantastic, the kids love being at home and I have enjoyed it.”

“Loving it!! Girls are doing great. so fun being apart of it all!”

“We have had such a great time! Being part of his learning has been so wonderful, as well as having that extra time together. He doesn’t want to go back to traditional learning as he has enjoyed learning remotely so much. Although without the helpfulness and availability of the teachers and the principal I’m sure it could have been a very different experience!”

“I’ve really loved being part of their learning and seeing them improve is so rewarding.”

“I’ve enjoyed more time with the kids and so have they!”